Posts Tagged “postmaster”

Belated update: The Postmaster changed his host a while back, which means this article won’t make sense anymore (it already didn’t to those who weren’t initiated in the Masterson Disciplines) as the images were offsite.  However, I’ve left it here for posterity.


The Postmaster has done it again. It’s been said everywhere, but what does it actually mean?  Philosophers for decades have been wondering this very question… this article will satisfy your knowledge and put an end to those sleepless nights.


Butterfield goes experimental!  The Tractor Project.

During the past few days, the highly adept Butterfield crew performed something incredibly amazing. Jim performed a series of tests known as ‘Spinning Intensity‘, whereby establishing a challenge for himself, and to see how high he could get the forklift airborne.

(NOTE: Due to Butterfield physics, the Butterfield crew recommends that you do not do anything this stupid on your behalf.)

As you can see, Jim over there is clearly impressed by his fine efforts. This tractor (even though it’s a forklift) resembles a farmer’s hard suffering days, and today is the day where his efforts are paid off.


These two blokes are obviously having a good time.  Jim, (right) continues to show off his masterful dancing techniques, while the Postmaster is having a difficult time.  (Notice the disfigurement in his spinal cord.)

Also, it appears his back may need some lead processing.


What a talented stuntman! He continues to amaze me. Not only can he contain himself, but the amount of stiffness he is able to handle while being pulled back by such an astronomical force cannot be justified. A truly dedicated individual.


We found these two soldiers slouching off in the middle of an air raid. This is one of the most disappointing scenes and in the utmost unpatriotic fashion possible.

They will be reprimanded to Captain Guvnoface immediately.


The Postmaster’s Fate.

Taken from Sunday’s The Master, you can see how famous the Postmaster really is.


Has the Postmaster really done it?

Express yourself with these incredible moments of adrenaline pumping action that the Postmaster possessed during the time.

The Postmaster has done it again.


Once again, the Postmaster has done it. (Unfortunately due to financial difficulties we were unable to provide you with the Postmaster at full strength).


This is our specialist in stunt driving, Jim (yes! The Jim from Jim’s Mowing). His fine-tuned skill will forever be a phenomenon.


Who can forgot this contorted picture. Firstly, it appears that a UFO has landed on the soldier’s weapon. Not only that, but a tank has landed face front into the water.


So, with these last couple of pages you can clearly see his dominance throughout the field. And with the coming years, remember “The Postmaster has done it again.” You will be greatly rewarded.

– From the great Postmaster himself.


In remembrance of the Davidson Years, circa 2003.