Posts Tagged “sandwich”

According to a certain shitty comic*, Linux commands can be quite powerful when applied with laws of physics that haven’t yet been discovered.


“Finally,” I thought to myself.  “An OS that will make me a sandwich.”

I wasn’t sure how accurate this was, however, so I HAD to try it myself.  I mean, what would be better than having an automated sandwich delivery service?  NOT MUCH.


Needless to say, I was extremely disappointed.  I looked into every port of my Linux machine to see if this was some kind of trick to steer me off course, but alas.  There was no sandwich to be found.  I want my money back.


*The reason XKCD is terrible isn’t because 90% of the comics are unfunny tripe.  No, it’s that in real-life, there’s a disease called ‘nerd subculture’ that isn’t actually what it pretends to be, but is for a bunch of idiotic, pretentious poseurs who think they’re funny because they can fit in with superior people like myself.  They keep dropping punchlines or jokes that they completely don’t understand, and they vote up these crappy, boring comics on Digg.

You are poseurs.  You do not fit in with us.  It’s like saying “Hay guyz I know an inside joke, that means I’m popular like you”.  No, you are not.  I doubt you could even Telnet into Mordor.  Go back to something you’re good at: making 60% of Australians obese by serving fatasses a premature death at KFC.


A perfect representation of these poseurs.